Please NOTICE that Asbestos and Fiberglass are hazard for Respiratory tract. DO NO use them as filter of air purifier or oil-mist collector

May 17, 2018

Everyone knows the harm of asbestos to the human respiratory tract, but what about the harm of glass fiber to the human body?

There are threat factors that greatly affect the health of consumers, and consumers have rights and interests that they should know and must know.

According to the National Environmental Toxicology Research Center of the National Institutes of Health: "Synthetic glass fibers can enter the air, water and soil during the process of manufacturing, use and disposal." and "Synthetic glass fibers suspended in the air can cause eyes and noses. , Throat and lung pain, and these fibers may also cause discomfort when they come into contact with the skin, but these effects are recoverable and will disappear within a short time after the exposure is stopped; animal studies have shown that repeated inhalation contains a lot of synthetic glass fibers The air will cause inflammation and fibrosis in the lungs.” Studies and other studies clearly pointed out that the harm of glass fiber to living bodies should be let consumers know. (Source: National Environmental Toxicology Research Center)

IT is easy to understand how hazard of these kind of materials.